After two postponements our students finally were able to perform their Summer 'PERFORM' shows last weekend.
We had three sold out performances for our Junior, Intermediate and Senior students - the atmosphere in the theatre was electric ! You simply cannot beat 'live' performance.
Our students started rehearsing their performances online via zoom in the Winter 'lockdown', then moving into boxes, miming lyrics and marking through dances in our rehearsal rooms under strict COVID guidance. For our Intermediate performance, our students were rehearsing in FOUR separate rehearsal rooms - only coming back together at the beginning of September!
We originally were due to perform at the beginning of July (our end of Summer term) but had to postpone due to restrictions still being in place. We then re-scheduled to the beginning of September (before our Autumn term commenced), sadly we had to postpone a second time due to a COVID outbreak within Theatre Studio. But finally on the 27th, 28th & 29th September we were back onstage where we belonged !
A HUGE thank you to all the students, tutors and technicians involved in these performances and a special T H A N K Y O U to our lovely parents who have stood by and supported us all at Theatre Studio over the last 18 months !
A very special weekend indeed !